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Jobs in Tanzania 2023: New Job Vacancies at SHDEPHA Tanzania, 2023SHDEPHA Tanzania Jobs 2023
Biomedical Service CoordinatorJob Overview
Biomedical Service Coordinator at SHDEPHA+
Position: Biomedical Service Coordinator
SHDEPHA+ is an acronym for Service, Health, and Development for People living with HIV/AIDS. It is a national non-governmental organization, registered on 21 November 1994 with registration number SO 8216. SHDEPHA+ originated from the initiatives of fifteen people living with HIV/AIDS whose goal was to create a network and to mobilize resources to help people living with HIV/AIDS and to fight the spread of the disease. Although originally focusing on people living with HIV/AIDS, over the years SHDEPHA+ has expanded beyond HIV/AIDS and related issues to other development interventions and now covers both infected and affected by HIV/AIDS countrywide.
SHDEPHA+ In partnership with Family Health International 360(FHI360) and Government of Tanzaniathrough Ministry of Health, is implementing a global project funded by the U.S. President’s EmergencyPlan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), The MeetingTargets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC) project is dedicated to achieve and maintainHIVepidemic control. The project provides strategic technical assistance (TA) and direct service delivery(DSD) to break through barriers to 95-95-95 and promote self-reliant management of national HIVprograms by improving HIV case-finding, prevention, and treatment programming.
EpiC is implementingan HIV service delivery project among men and women at risk of acquiring HIV including adolescent girlsand young women (AGYW), miners, adolescent boys and young men, long truck drivers etc. whichaimsto reduce HIV infections in pursuit of reaching 95-95-95 UNAIDS goals. To achieve this goal, theprogram will support targeted prevention and case finding strategies at community level amongthetargeted populations.
With this, SHDEPHA+ Network for PLHA therefore is seeking for a competent, experienced, dynamic and qualified Biomedical Service Coordinator to fill this position;
Location: Arusha City Council.
Reports to: Deputy Project Manager
Job Overview
The Biomedical Service Coordinator will work in collaboration with Community Engagement officer, Casemanager, CHMT and community in respective Council to implement HIV prevention programtargetingpopulation at risk of acquiring HIV/AIDS includes Vulnerable Adolescent Girls and Young women, Adolescent Boys and young Men and other at higher risks due to the nature of their economic activitiessuch as miners, long truck drivers, etc., she/he will monitor the implementation of the comprehensivePrevention Biomedical services in compliance with the overall regional work plan, Donor and Government SOPs and Guidelines.
S/he will play a key role in ensuring the services are conducted according to the National and project standard operating procedures, and that beneficiaries receive quality services; In cooperation with District Aids Control (DAC)s/he will also play a crucial role in supervising and building the capacity of HCW, Peer Educators, Navigators and mobilizers for effective and efficiently implementation of activities duringoutreach activities for Community Biomedical services. S/he will be managing all biomedical activitiesthrough conducting progress review meetings in monthly basis with health care providers. S/he will becollaborating with the case management team in health facilities and community for continuumof care. Also, will be responsible in monitoring Gender based/Intimate partners Violence cases includes statusof referral and linkages.
Main Accountabilities and Responsibilities
1) Planning:
- To participate in the Comprehensive Council Health Plans (CCHP) meetings and ensure USAIDEpiC activities are included in the respective CCHP.
- Liaise with Community Engagement Officers to map hotspots and develop a directory of all hotspots where beneficiaries are found at the council level.
- Conduct weekly review of the list of indexes developed by service providers and ensureall theproviders conduct index testing services with fidelity (index sexual Partners/contacts elicitationand tracing)
- With support from the Deputy Project Manager & City Medical Officer’s office, he/she will beresponsible to liaise with DMOs office to secure Government biomedical providers whowill provide biomedical services at the community level respectively.
- Actively participate into development of monthly operation plans in close collaborationwithcommunity engagement officers for targeted and focused HTS outreaches to the mapped hotspot areas and reach benefiries.
- Assist in organizing training/orientation to biomedical providers to be engaged in USAIDEpiCmonthly operation plans and maintain the list of Service Providers working with USAIDEpiCproject.
- Monitor and coordinate community-facility referral and linkages services for health-relatedservices including care and treatment, Family planning, STI&TB screening, and treatment, andGBV services.
- Liaise with DACC and the DMO office to obtain commodities, supplies and government M&ETools for Biomedical services.
- Supervise biomedical providers and ensure monthly planned activities are implemented andall Service Providers are reaching their allotted targets with fidelity.
- Provide technical support and mentorship to the biomedical services providers withintheassigned districts to ensure they meet standard of performance as per the government guidelinesand project SOPs (including IQC/EQC and proficiency test).
- Work closely with the CHMT members in performance monitoring, joint supportivefieldsupervision at the site/council level and ensure the outcomes of the visits is clearly documentedand recommendations implemented.
- Jointly work with facility implementing partners at the council level to develop a soundBi- directional referral network but also quality of services is provided to Benefiries 10. Ensure all service providers properly fill all required National and Project M&E tools andtimelysubmission of service reports appropriately, including monthly summary reports to the catchment health facilities
- Ensure council service providers are reporting their daily performance through WhatsApp groupsand other agreed channels for real time data.
- Develop and timely share daily/weekly updates and monthly reports for all biomedical services. 13. Develop weekly, monthly and quarterly Narrative Reports
- Participate on project documentations includes abstract developments and collection of successstories
- Represent the council in Council level meetings
- Ensure Effective project bi-directional linkage between partners within the councils for client’sservice continuum.
Qualification and experience
- Certified clinician with good experience of not less than 2 years in HIV/AIDS programs, asounding knowledge on HIV/AIDS care and treatment and donor funded projects. OR
- Bachelor degree in Nursing/medicine with at least 1 year of experience in HIV/AIDSprograms, Or a less experienced person with a sounding knowledge on HIV/AIDS care and treatment.
- A good team player with demonstrated skills and experience in leading and coaching the team.
- Ability to network and maintain professional relationship with the LGA’s and other stakeholdersat the Council level
- Excellent written, presentation, communication, and organizational skills in both EnglishandKiswahili.
- Good understanding of council and regional level healthcare system ∙ Flexible to work beyond normal working hours.
- All applications are to be lodged through email: recruitments@shdepha.org
- All candidates are required to mention the ‘Position Title in the subject lineof the e-mail.
- All applicants MUST attach a cover letter and their updated Curriculum Vitae with certified copies of academic certificates as supporting documents totheir applications.
- All applications should be submitted not later than (09th January, 2024)
SHDEPHA+ is committed to the principles of safeguarding in workplace and will not tolerateanyform of abuse, wherever it occurs or whoever is responsible”
For more information, kindly visit our website: www.shdepha.org
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