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Tanzanian Civil Society Forum on Climate Change (FORUMCC) Jobs, 2023
The Dodoma region is semi-arid, with a land area of 15,535 sq. km and a home to small-scale farming and livestock-keeping communities. The region is characterized by semi-arid weather conditions predominantly by a long dry season (late April- early December) and a short wet season. Communities living in the region had developed unique strategies to cope with the climatic variability unique to this environment. Increased changes in climate that manifest through changing rainfall patterns and temperature rise result in reduced ability of communities to cope and aggravate poverty, and food and water insecurity and thus increase their vulnerability.
In order to institute strategic interventions that will address the challenges, a thorough analysis is needed to identify risks and options that will inform decision-making and approach that suits the Chamwino and Mpwapwa districts. Given the generic situation of the two districts, FORUMCC with the support from GIZ and in collaboration with Mpwapwa and Chamwino districts councils aims to conduct a vulnerability Assessment (VA) to identify the best adaptation options that are local and context-specific to the areas. Vulnerability Assessment is an important instrument to reveal the most harmful impacts and risks of climate change to the environment and communities, and identify climate change hotspot areas and facilitate formulation of appropriate adaptation measures.
Furthermore, the information that will be obtained is expected to inform planning and decision-making in various development agendas in districts in the context of a changing climate, and in a manner that ensures enhanced community resilience and embracing national and international development policies such as contributing to National Determined Contribution (2022), the Tanzania Development Vision 2025, The National Climate Change Response Strategy(2022) and Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030).
2. Objectives of the Assessment
2.1 Overall objective
The overall objective of this assignment is to establish a baseline for developing Local Adaptation Plans of Action (LAPAs) in Chamwino and Mpwapwa districts in order to build Smallholder farmers’ and Livestock Keeper’s resilience to adverse effects of climate change. 2.2 Specific objectives
Under the supervision of the FORUMCC Programmes Office, the consultant will be responsible to:
i. Carry out a thorough review of existing national and district assessment reports that relate to climate change vulnerability in priority sectors of agriculture, land use, water and livestock, and how they have been reflected in Chamwino and Mpwapwa districts development plans, and poverty reduction or community empowerment strategies
ii. Conduct detailed consultation with District Council officers from agriculture, land use, water and livestock departments, Smallholder farmers, Livestock keepers (preferably women and youth), extension workers, and other climate-smart activities implementers in the 4 villages (2 in each district) to gather information about existing climate vulnerability conditions, community groups which are highly vulnerable, (vulnerable communities and households), their adaptation practices, adaptation needs and actions, villages which are highly vulnerable, levels of vulnerability, social status, resources ownership and participation in decision making related to responses to climate change
iii. Identify, assess and recommend implementable and non-implementable adaptation options in relation to the level of vulnerability, availability of resources, climate change trends, community adaptive capacity and the needs of the community (target groups)
iv. Facilitate two four stakeholder consultation workshops before submitting The draft report to FORUMCC
3. Qualifications and Experience Required
i. At least a Master’s degree in Climate Change, Environmental Management, Natural Resources Management and Assessment, or other related Environment and Social Sciences discipline with extensive experience working with rural communities and Local Government Authorities in developing local adaptation plans
ii. Please send a 1-page application letter outlining your expertise and relevant experience in this consultancy and a 2 – 3 pages CV of the Lead Consultant
iii. A concise –maximum of 5-10 pages’ technical proposal, highlighting the proposed approach, methodologies, brief work schedule, team composition and timings of the process.
iv. A brief financial proposal, clearly specifying the time, professional fees and proposed implementation costs
v. Excellent writing skills and knowledge of Kiswahili and experience in Technical presentation and engagement of ordinary citizens and high-level Government Officials to trigger input provision and informing decisions will be an added advantage
vi. The expert must be legally registered, and comply with the laws, regulations and procedures of the country, especially on tax issues.
4. Deliverables
Upon signing the contract, the consultant is expected to deliver the following: –
i. Inception Report: defining approaches and tools, timeline and work plan to be used in conducting the assessment. It should be produced explaining the Consultant’s understanding of the TOR, the general approach to the assignment, the methodology to be used (approach, teams, personnel, coordination as well as a tentative work plan and financial details. The inception report must be approved by the FORUMCC technical team, following a presentation by the consultant before the next steps of contract and agreement signing. The report is due one week after signing the contract;
ii. Draft Assessment Report: The report should respond to the needs spelled out in this ToR with Detailed Recommendations of Implementable and Non-Implementable Adaptation Options and a List of potential Partners for the Development of Local Adaptation Plans of Action (LAPAs)
iii. Final Assessment Report: should take on board suggestions, recommendations and comments raised during the stakeholder engagement process and other involved stakeholders.
5. Duration
The expected Work plan and time frame of the assignment must be completed within 30 days after signing the contract, to be completed before 30th November 2023. If interested please your expression of interest (EOI) to admin@forumcc.or.tz The deadline for application is 25th October 2023, 16HRS.
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