Friday 20 October 2023

Consultant at CRS Tanzania October, 2023

  AjiraLeo Tanzania       Friday 20 October 2023
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Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
Jobs in Tanzania 2023: New Job Vacancies at Catholic Relief Services (CRS) 2023
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Tanzania Jobs
About CRS:
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is the official overseas relief and development organization of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and has served people living in poverty and situations of vulnerability in over 100 countries since 1943. In Tan­zania, CRS has served vulnerable communities for over 50 years and accomplished this through development programs of emer­gency response, HIV, health, agriculture, education, microfinance, and peace-building.
CRS is inviting experienced and qualified candidates to apply for the following post below...

Consultancy at Catholic Relief Services October, 2023
Scope of Work

Consultancy Services to Conduct a Market Assessment and Facilitate Development of an Economic Empowerment Model for Adolescent Girls in Songwe, Kigoma, and Tabora Regions

IA. CRS Background
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States to serve World War II survivors in Europe. Today, it is the official international humanitarian agency of the U.S. Catholic community, providing support to impoverished and disadvantaged people in over 100 countries based solely on need, regardless of their race, religion, or ethnicity.

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) in Tanzania, is registered as a not-for-profit organization since the 8th of February 1968 (CRS began operations in Tanzania since 1962). The country office is in Dar es Salaam with sub-offices in Mbeya and Kigoma regions. The country program supports agriculture, health, institutional (systems) strengthening, Early Childhood Development, youth-focused projects, integrated water resource management, water, sanitation and hygiene, nutrition for pregnant, lactating women and children under five, and adolescent girls’ health and economic empowerment.

About the Project
UNICEF awarded a project titled “Market Assessment, Development and Implementation of an Economic Empowerment Model for Adolescent Girls aged 14-19” to Catholic Relief Services (CRS.) The duration of the project is from September 2023 to August 2024. The project will complement UNICEF Tanzania’s integrated adolescent girls’ program in Songwe region that focuses on the empowerment of adolescent girls by ending child marriage. This new project has three outputs that aim to ensure integration and convergence with existing efforts by both UNICEF and the Government of Tanzania. Below are the project’s expected outputs:
  • Market assessment to be conducted in Songwe, Kigoma, and Tabora regions.
  • Development of a Model for the economic empowerment of adolescent girls in Songwe
  • Selected adolescent girls in Songwe are engaged in economic activities and become positive role models in their communities.

CRS is looking for a consulting firm to conduct a market/opportunity assessment through consultation with adolescent girls, government officials, private sector companies, NGOs, and other relevant service providers and stakeholders. The consultant will provide technical support in identifying needs, gaps, and opportunities for adolescent girls’ economic empowerment in Songwe, Kigoma, and Tabora and facilitating the development/enhancement of an adolescent girl’s economic empowerment model to be implemented in Songwe Region.

Assignment Purpose
This call for consultancy is to conduct an opportunity analysis/labour market assessment in Kigoma, Songwe, and Tabora Regions. The consultant will also facilitate in the development of an affordable, accessible, and replicable model for economic empowerment of adolescent girls to be implemented in selected districts, in the Songwe Region.

The assessment will focus on identifying sectors, and sub-sectors with potential growth (demand), and identify relevant opportunities for adolescent girls along different value chain points, including needs, and preferences. The assessment will identify barriers and gaps as well as specify any additional support this demographic requires such as mentoring/coaching, access to capital for example savings, financial management, and capacity building on accessing markets for their products, and childcare support for adolescent mothers to be able to work. The assessment will also identify key collaborators including public and private stakeholders to be engaged in the project.

Based on the findings of the market assessment, the Consultant with the collaboration of CRS and Shalom Development Organization will develop a new model for economic empowerment for adolescent girls in Songwe region. The design process will also involve UNICEF Tanzania, other implementing partners, and adolescent girls. The model will explore how adolescent girls in different interventions under the integrated adolescent girls’ program (i.e., IPOSA, and Furaha Teens) can be further supported through the economic empowerment model by filling identified gaps and leveraging on existing opportunities/programs.

The newly established/enhanced model will be implemented in 3 districts of Songwe region; Ileje (Chitete and Sange wards), Mbozi (Idiwili and Mlowo wards), and Tunduma (Mpemba and Uwanjani wards) respectively to serve a minimum of 1,000 adolescent girls.

Assignment Objectives
The main objective of the assessment is to provide evidence-based findings that inform the development of an affordable, accessible, and replicable model for the economic empowerment of adolescent girls aged 14-19 years old (both in and out of school) to be implemented in selected districts in Songwe Region. The model should be inclusive enough to cater to adolescent girls who never attended school, dropped out of school, or completed a certain level of education (primary or secondary).

The consultancy will enable CRS and Shalom Development Organization to gain deeper insights into the labor market demand/opportunities and supply dynamics with a specific focus on adolescent girl’s employment opportunities and the required skills in particular regional/district contexts, considering the specificities of each target community and socio-demographic background of the adolescent girls (education, family status, disability concerns, gender roles, and agency). Specifically, the assignment has the following objectives.
  • To identify economic sectors/subsectors with potential growth and opportunities (self and wage employment) for adolescent girls in Songwe, Tabora, and Kigoma Regions.
  • To map the type of opportunities (self and wage employment) that can be filled by adolescent girls with a special focus on relevance and context.
  • To identify adolescent girls’ preferences and aspirations for jobs and other economic opportunities
  • To assess skills and competencies (soft and hard) required for adolescent girls to acquire the identified and preferred opportunities (self and wage employment) with a special focus on relevance, affordability, and access.
  • To identify existing programmes for economic empowerment by public and private sectors and the gaps based on the needs and preferences of adolescent girls.
  • To identify socio-economic, norms/gender, and other enabling factors for adolescent girls to better engage in available opportunities.
  • To identify additional relevant skills training (soft and hard) and other support needs for adolescent girls’ economic empowerment in their specific context including suggested approaches and tools for engagement and collaboration with different service providers.
  • To facilitate the adoption of the recommendations to design an adolescent girl’s economic empowerment model (to be implemented in selected districts of Songwe Region).

Assessment Questions
The assessment is expected to address the following questions.
  • What are the leading sectors, subsectors with potential growth and opportunities (self and wage employment) for adolescent girls in Songwe, Tabora, and Kigoma Regions?
  • What are the most accessible and available opportunities (self and wage employment) that can be filled by adolescent girls with a special focus on relevance and context?
  • What entrepreneurial activities or available job opportunities are adolescent girls most interested in pursuing?
  • What skills and competencies (soft and hard) are required for adolescent girls to acquire the identified and preferred opportunities (self and wage employment).
  • What are the existing programmes on economic empowerment for adolescent girls by public and private sectors and the gaps based on the needs and preferences of adolescent girls?
  • What support do adolescent girls and parents perceive to be needed for them to tap into the available opportunities?
  • What are socio-economic, norms/gender, and other enabling factors for adolescent girls to engage in available opportunities? How do they affect adolescent girls?
  • What services/service providers are available in place to support addressing skill mismatch for adolescent girls to pursue the available opportunities? What are other service providers (in local context) to be engaged in supporting adolescent girls to obtain self and wage employment opportunities?

The consultant/firm is expected to propose an appropriate methodology and tools in their technical proposal for undertaking this assessment. The final tools and specific methodological approach will be discussed and agreed upon between CRS, UNICEF, and the consultant.

This assessment is expected to rely on a mix of quantitative and qualitative data to allow triangulation of results from various sources. The following approaches are recommended, but the consultant may suggest differently.
  • Conduct extensive desk review to analyse the existing secondary previous market opportunity analysis, evaluation, research reports, economic forecasts, and government data for select geographies and sectors.
  • Extensive mapping of market/opportunities and services availability and additional needs through primary data collection, and analysis considering relevance, accessibility, and affordability.
  • Conduct key informant interviews and (focus group discussions) FGDs of various key assessment participants including adolescent girls, parents, peer role models, government officials, private sector companies, NGOs, and other service providers and programs including IPOSA, Furaha Teens, Cash Plus, and other as proposed by the consultant.

The consultant is expected to propose a valid and justifiable sample size to participate in the interviews, FGDs for each sub population considering the geographical coverage of three Regions of Songwe, Tabora, and Kigoma. The Consultant is expected to provide justifiable reasons for the total number of districts to be covered, however, it is recommended that the total number of districts to be covered in each region should not exceed three.

Key Deliverables and Timelines
This market opportunity assessment is time-bound with an urgent need to be completed within the below-given timeframe, so the consultant/firm is encouraged to propose the most time and cost-efficient modality/approach to carry out this assignment. The assignment shall be completed by 30 December 2023 from the date of signing of the contract tentatively the fourth week of October 2023.
Key Task Deliverables Timeline                    
1.       Finalize Inception report and designing of data collection tools and methodology of market/opportunity assessment including implementation plan ·         Final assessment protocol with gender-sensitive and responsive tools, and methodology including ascent and consent forms translated into Kiswahili.


·         Filed work implementation Plan including assessor training plan, fieldwork schedule, ethical and safeguarding plan and data quality management and assurance, and list of targeted participants to be consulted during assessment

November 4, 2023
2.       Conduct field data collection and consultation on opportunity analysis/market assessment in Songwe, Kigoma, and Tabora regions First draft of preliminary findings


November 18, 2023,
3.       Validating findings with the stakeholders and finalizing the market/opportunity assessment report ·         PPT Validated finding.

·         Report with final recommendation and proposed affordable, accessible, and relevant adolescent economic empowerment pathways

November 25, 2023,
4.       Conduct consultative workshop with key stakeholders to develop a model framework ·         Adolescent economic empowerment model framework November 30, 2023
5.       Develop content with a full package that includes a guide, and tools for the adolescent empowerment model (translation and printing included) ·         Adolescent economic empowerment model package December 15, 2023,
6.        Share the final proposed adolescent economic empowerment model ·         PPT and final adolescent economic empowerment model December 30, 2023,
Team Composition
The consulting firm must include profiles of key members with at least the following expertise and experience.
  • experience related to economic empowerment, livelihoods, financial inclusion.
  • youth/gender and social inclusion experts,
  • and data analysts.

The consulting firm may propose differently based on the technical justification. Also, should propose the number of field research assistants and supervisors with their key qualities. The proposed team members must be able to lead the KIIs and FGDs simultaneously in three Regions. The Team leader will oversee the market/opportunity assessment throughout the research period, put in place quality control mechanisms, maintain adherence to safeguarding issues and ethical research standards, and liaise with CRS.

Expected Qualifications of Team Members
The consulting firm should demonstrate to have a team that possesses the following qualities and competence to be considered for the assignment.
  • At least a master’s degree in a relevant field
  • Experience in conducting labour market assessment research in the Tanzania context.
  • Familiarity with economic empowerment, livelihoods, financial inclusion interventions
  • Demonstrated experience in performing qualitative data analysis and professional report writing.
  • Expertise in youth specifically adolescent girls /Gender and Social Inclusion
  • Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of youth economic empowerment interventions will be an added advantage.

Ethical Consideration and Safeguarding
The consulting team must adhere to the UNICEF PSEA, CRS safeguarding policy and code of conduct while ensuring the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse. In addition, the consultant will be responsible for securing all ethical approvals and entry permission to the relevant Regions and districts when required.

How to apply
The candidate must submit the following to be considered to undertake the assignment.
  • Technical proposal detailing: Capacity to undertake the assignment based on qualification and experience, and technical approach highlights steps and processes used to perform the assignment from beginning to end results. (Maximum 8 pages)
  • Resume or curriculum vitae of a lead Consultant and core consultants
  • Budget and timeline for the proposed Consultancy (expressed in Tanzanian Shillings). With 5% withholding tax. Note: Cost related to meetings and logistics during model designing will be disbursed directly by CRS.
  • Registration certificates/license copy
  • TIN certificate copy, Confirm EFD receipt.
The proposal to be sent to the below-specified e‐mail, to reach the undersigned by 26th October 2023.
Catholic Relief Services – Tanzania Program

Thanks for reading Consultant at CRS Tanzania October, 2023

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