Wednesday, 21 September 2022

TCU: Undergraduate Transfer Procedures | Jinsi ya Kuhama Chuo au Kozi 2022/23 Academic Year

  AjiraLeo Tanzania       Wednesday, 21 September 2022
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The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU)
TCU: Undergraduate Transfer Procedures | Jinsi ya Kuhama Chuo au Kozi 2022/23 Academic Year
The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) is a body corporate established on the 1st July 2005, under the Universities Act 2005 (Chapter 346 of the Laws of Tanzania) with mandate to recognise, approve, register and accredit Universities operating in Tanzania, and local or foreign University level programmes being offered by registered higher education institutions. It also coordinates the proper functioning of all university institutions in Tanzania so as to foster a harmonised higher education system in the country.

The Tanzania Commission for Universities succeeded the former Higher Education Accreditation Council (HEAC) which was established in 1995 under the Education Act 1995 with a legal mandate to regulate the establishment and subsequent accreditation of private university institutions in the country. Being limited only to private universities, such mandate was considered unfavourable for the promotion of a viable public-private partnership in higher education as stipulated in the National Higher Education Policy of 1999.
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Therefore, such circumstances prompted the government to establish a harmonized higher education system in the country which led into the establishment of the Tanzania Commission for Universities. In order to ensure such a harmonious higher education system does not compromise institutional peculiarities and autonomy, each University has the legal right to operate under its own charter.
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The mandates and core functions of the Commission are provided under section 5(1) of the Universities Act Cap. 346. These functions can be clustered into the following three major areas.

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TCU Undergraduate Transfer Procedures 2022/23 Academic Year.
Released Date: 2022.

TCU Undergraduate Transfer Procedures | Jinsi Ya Kuhama Chuo Au Kozi, Undergraduate Admission Transfer, Kuhama Chuo 2022/2023
As provided in Sections (12) (2) (a) (b) (c) of the Universities Act Cap. 346 of the laws of Tanzania read together with regulation 31 (2) (3) (4), the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) is mandated to coordinate admissions to Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs) in Tanzania.

According to Section 5(1) (f) the Universities Act Cap.346 grants TCU the mandate to establish transfer procedures for students wishing to transfer from one university to another and from one programme to another.

TCU Undergraduate Transfer Procedures | Jinsi Ya Kuhama Chuo Au Kozi

It happen you have been Selected University or Programme that you are not interested and wish to transfer. There will be Transfer window where you can transfer either program or College to other.
In view of its obligation, TCU issued procedures for handling first year and continuing students transfers which were in operation since 2016/17 academic year

First year students transfers are of two categories:
  • Inter- University Transfer, and
  • Intra-University Transfer.
Inter-University transfer allows a selected student to transfer from one Institution to another, whether within the same or different
programme whereas Intra -University transfer allows students to change a programme within an institution.

Conditions for transfer
  • Applications for transfers should be submitted in writing through the institution to which a student wants to transfer to;
  • The student to be transferred must have been previously admitted into a degree programme;
  • The programme to which transfer is sought must have empty slots to accommodate new students;
  • The applicant must possess the minimum entry requirements for that particular degree programme;
  • Receiving Institutions/ Faculty should approve the transfer in writing and submit to TCU for validation and documentation within the set deadline.
For the continuing students Download PDF Here for Instructions (TCU Undergraduate Transfer Procedures | Jinsi Ya Kuhama Chuo Au Kozi)

Thanks for reading TCU: Undergraduate Transfer Procedures | Jinsi ya Kuhama Chuo au Kozi 2022/23 Academic Year

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