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Tanzania Home Economics Association (TAHEA) |
Jobs in Tanzania 2020: New Job Vacancies at Tanzania Home Economics Association (TAHEA), 2020
Tanzania Home Economics Association (TAHEA) is a national professional organization of nutritionist, home economics, agriculturists and other related social science professions. TAHEA envisions ‘A democratic society with better livingConditions’; with the Mission to improve the socio-economic conditions of the society through advocacy and capacity building on agriculture, food and nutrition, health and environment in collaboration with other stakeholders.
Tanzania Home Economics Association (TAHEA) is a national professional organization of nutritionist, home economics, agriculturists and other related social science professions. TAHEA envisions ‘A democratic society with better livingConditions’; with the Mission to improve the socio-economic conditions of the society through advocacy and capacity building on agriculture, food and nutrition, health and environment in collaboration with other stakeholders.
implements the ‘Meeting Targets and Maintaining Epidemic Control (EpiC)
project in Dodoma and Iringa region. EpiC is a 5 years’ global project
funded by the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)
and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), dedicated to
achieving and maintaining HIV epidemic control. The project provides
strategic technical assistance and direct service delivery to break
through barriers to 95-95-95 and promote self-reliant management of
national HIV programs by improving HIV case-finding, prevention, and
treatment programming. In Tanzania, EpiC will be implementing an HIV
service delivery project among key and priority populations, adolescent
girls and young women; and orphans and vulnerable children which aims to
reduce HIV infections in pursuit of reaching 95-95-95 goals.
To achieve this goal, the program will support targeted prevention and case finding strategies at community level amongst the targeted populations. TAHEA is implementing partners that is implementing the project in Dodoma region and Iringa Regions.
TAHEA is seeking for qualified candidates to fill the following vacancies below in Dodoma (Dodoma city, Kondoa&Chemba) and Iringa(Mufindi)....
Linkage and Case Management Officers (2 Positions)
Position Description:
The Case Manager will work with Community technical officer and biomedical officers to implement HIV prevention program targeting population at risk in the region. He/she will work with team to reach, serve and maintain Vulnerable Adolescent Girls and Young women, female sex workers and MSM, s/he will monitor the implementation of case linkages during the process of pre counselling, post counselling as well as linkages of positive diagnosed KVP to care and treatment Centre Will monitor all activities related to community ART initiation, case retention to care of all identified, diagnosed HIV positive clients as well as returning to care of all clients who missed appointment and lost to follow. She/he will be responsible in making sure that all Navigation process are well established, conducted and maintained according to Care and treatment standards. He/she will play a key role in ensuring that client centered approach is well observed and adhered during service provision to KVP positive clients.
He/she will make sure KVP HIV positive clients are linked to structural intervention for economic strengthening activities and managing gender issues. She/he will also play a crucial role in supervising and building the capacity of Peer navigators of key and vulnerable population through conducting progress review meetings in monthly basis. She/he will be coordinating the case management team with health facilities and community for continuum of care. Also, will be responsible in monitoring Gender based/Intimate partners Violence cases includes status of referral and linkages. Case Manager will report to Program Manager and work closely with the Regional Biomedical technical advisor.
Roles & Responsibilities
• Liaise with Districts Community-Based HIV coordinator (DCBHCO)
• Liaise with facilities and peer navigators for enrolment of clients from the community
• Liaise with facilities for retention of clients on ART and provide feedback to facilities
• Manage Client Appointment and ART Refill
• Manage and Track Missed appointment
• Support community-based ART services by managing appointments for refills
• Manage lost to follow and return to care
• Provide mentorship to peer navigators
• Act as a link between peer navigators and facilities
• Supervise peer navigation teams
• Facilitate post GBV linkages and track feedback for GBV survivors
• Tracking and reporting of all completed and non-completed referrals (GBV, STI, HTS AGYW, FP etc)
• Daily follow up on cases management by the team, from each service delivery point in close relationship with Biomedical field officer
• Reconcile and compile data into the regional tracking register and the regional partner listing and outcome register, and maintain it on weekly basis
• Follow up on all open cases who do not have an outcome yet and ensure that all escorted / tracked beneficiaries receive an outcome
• Conduct sites visits for at least 70% of the time
• Working with Data manager/M&E Officer to report tracking and partner listing and outcome data to the MER team in the region using referral from feedback (Vibutu)
• Prepare weekly and monthly reports related to tracking services and partner notification and success stories, as needed
• Participate in meetings at CSO level and related CHMTs meetings
• Document best practices for linkage for KVP
• Perform other duties as assigned by line manager
Qualifications and experience
• Diploma or bachelor’s degree in clinical management, nursing, social work, counselling and psychology
• At least one-year experience in case management for community-based HIV services.
• Prior experience in working with literate and non-literate audiences; experience in participatory methods
• Experience on KVP program is an added advantage
• Experience in supervising a field team Þ Interpersonal skills
• Good communication skills
• Ability to work in a team
• Computer skills in basic applications example Ms excel, Ms word etc.
Recommended: Linkage and Case Management Officers (2 Positions)
Position Description:
The Case Manager will work with Community technical officer and biomedical officers to implement HIV prevention program targeting population at risk in the region. He/she will work with team to reach, serve and maintain Vulnerable Adolescent Girls and Young women, female sex workers and MSM, s/he will monitor the implementation of case linkages during the process of pre counselling, post counselling as well as linkages of positive diagnosed KVP to care and treatment Centre Will monitor all activities related to community ART initiation, case retention to care of all identified, diagnosed HIV positive clients as well as returning to care of all clients who missed appointment and lost to follow. She/he will be responsible in making sure that all Navigation process are well established, conducted and maintained according to Care and treatment standards. He/she will play a key role in ensuring that client centered approach is well observed and adhered during service provision to KVP positive clients.
He/she will make sure KVP HIV positive clients are linked to structural intervention for economic strengthening activities and managing gender issues. She/he will also play a crucial role in supervising and building the capacity of Peer navigators of key and vulnerable population through conducting progress review meetings in monthly basis. She/he will be coordinating the case management team with health facilities and community for continuum of care. Also, will be responsible in monitoring Gender based/Intimate partners Violence cases includes status of referral and linkages. Case Manager will report to Program Manager and work closely with the Regional Biomedical technical advisor.
Roles & Responsibilities
• Liaise with Districts Community-Based HIV coordinator (DCBHCO)
• Liaise with facilities and peer navigators for enrolment of clients from the community
• Liaise with facilities for retention of clients on ART and provide feedback to facilities
• Manage Client Appointment and ART Refill
• Manage and Track Missed appointment
• Support community-based ART services by managing appointments for refills
• Manage lost to follow and return to care
• Provide mentorship to peer navigators
• Act as a link between peer navigators and facilities
• Supervise peer navigation teams
• Facilitate post GBV linkages and track feedback for GBV survivors
• Tracking and reporting of all completed and non-completed referrals (GBV, STI, HTS AGYW, FP etc)
• Daily follow up on cases management by the team, from each service delivery point in close relationship with Biomedical field officer
• Reconcile and compile data into the regional tracking register and the regional partner listing and outcome register, and maintain it on weekly basis
• Follow up on all open cases who do not have an outcome yet and ensure that all escorted / tracked beneficiaries receive an outcome
• Conduct sites visits for at least 70% of the time
• Working with Data manager/M&E Officer to report tracking and partner listing and outcome data to the MER team in the region using referral from feedback (Vibutu)
• Prepare weekly and monthly reports related to tracking services and partner notification and success stories, as needed
• Participate in meetings at CSO level and related CHMTs meetings
• Document best practices for linkage for KVP
• Perform other duties as assigned by line manager
Read Also:
Qualifications and experience
• Diploma or bachelor’s degree in clinical management, nursing, social work, counselling and psychology
• At least one-year experience in case management for community-based HIV services.
• Prior experience in working with literate and non-literate audiences; experience in participatory methods
• Experience on KVP program is an added advantage
• Experience in supervising a field team Þ Interpersonal skills
• Good communication skills
• Ability to work in a team
• Computer skills in basic applications example Ms excel, Ms word etc.
Free CV Writing and Download, Cover/Job Application Letters, Interview Questions and It's Best Answers plus Examples. Click Here!
Method of Application
Application are to be lodged through email: tahea.recruitment@gmail.com
Candidates are required to mention the ‘Position Title’ on the subject line of the e-mail. All applicants MUST attach cover letter and their updated Curriculum Vitae with certified copies of academic certificates as supporting documents to their applications.
All applications should be submitted not later than 16:00 HRS on Saturday, 10th October, 2020.
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