Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Visegrad+ Grants inviting NGOs, CSOs, and Other Public Institutions | Apply Now

  AjiraLeo Tanzania       Wednesday, 18 September 2019
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Deadline: 01st October 2019
The International Visegrad fund is inviting applications for its Visegrad+ Grants program to support projects which contribute to the democratization and transformation processes in selected countries and regions, especially non-EU member states in the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership countries.
To apply for Visegrad+ Grants, applicant’s project must address one of the objectives of the grant program from one of seven focus areas eligible for funding.

Culture and Common Identity
Increased awareness of cultural diversity and cross-border intercultural dialogue
Increased awareness of common heritage, including history and contemporary art
Increased promotion of common identity and heritage inside and outside of the V4 region
Larger volume of common cultural productions reaching out to new audiences

Education and Capacity Building
Improved hard /soft skills for a better access to labor market, lifelong learning and internship programs
Strengthened cooperation among educational institutions
Increase in the volume of common formal, informal and non-formal educational tools and teacher training opportunities
Increased sharing of best practices in the dialog among decision-making bodies, municipalities, schools and families

Innovation, R&D, Entrepreneurship
Increase in B2B networks with an emphasis on development of SMEs and start-ups
Improved ecosystem for business and social business development at the regional level
Development of regional networks/clusters of SMEs, academia, and research institutions with a long-lasting impact
Increased science popularization on the regional level with emphasis on youth
Increased promotion of joint V4 R&D projects outside of the V4 region
(EaP) Launching or strengthening political, economic and social cooperation between cross-border regions in the spirit of micro-regional cooperation and enhancing connectivity. Improving living standards of cross-border regions, also exploiting possibilities provided by new technologies (digitalisation)

Democratic Values and the Media
Increased participation of citizens in the democratic system
Increased awareness of transparency as a norm in society, professionalization of transparency of justice, fight against corruption
Providing a safer environment and capacity-building for whistleblowers, fact-checkers, investigative journalists and other watchdogs
Increased volume of media coverage in V4/Western Balkans/EaP region about regionally-relevant topics, increased access to information
Improved media and information literacy for increased resilience towards biased reporting, disinformation and propaganda
(WB) Regional cooperation and reconciliation in the WB region

Public Policy and Institutional Partnership
Increased awareness and active involvement of civil society in policy-making processes with emphasis on youth
Increased capacity building of civil servants
Creating new approaches to existing regional public challenges
Creating common advocacy strategies addressing regional issues
(EaP) Rule of law and good governance; building the necessary central and local administration system with the involvement of the civil society
(WB) Migration, border control, fight against corruption and organised crime
Regional Development, Environment and Tourism

Increased number of town/municipality twinning initiatives
Increased awareness, education and improve regional strategies on environmental protection, climate change and sustainable development
Diversification of tourism by increasing the range and quality of regional products and services
(EaP) Competitive economies and economic modernisation as the basis for stable and sustainable development, social welfare and integration to international markets. The role of education, research and innovation in realising these goals.
(WB) Environment and sustainable development

Social Development
Promotion of tolerant and inclusive mindset in society, protection of minorities
Deepened inter-generational understanding and dialogue
Improved regional strategy and policy for demographic and other social and economic challenges
Increased awareness and practice of a healthy and active lifestyle and reduction of substance abuse
∗(EaP) objectives apply only to projects to be implemented in Eastern Partnership countries.
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∗∗(WB) objectives apply only to projects to be implemented in Western Balkans countries.

Projects must develop meaningful cooperation and ensure active involvement of at least 3 V4 countries and 1 entity from the EaP region or the Western Balkans countries at minimum regardless of the applicant
Maximum duration of project implementation is 18 months
Grants cover up to 100% of project budget with maximum 15% of the requested sum for overheads
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Eligibility Criteria
Consortium of organizations of which 3 or more are based in different Visegrad countries.
All types of non-governmental, civil society organizations (CSOs); municipalities and local governments; schools, higher education institutions; research and scientific bodies and public institutions are eligible as lead partner (applicant) and partners in the consortia.
Market actors, e.g.: private entrepreneurs, companies – especially innovation and startup-related actors – with a legal entity are also eligible, but only if their Visegrad project is of nonprofit character.

How to Apply
Interested Applicants can apply via given website.
For more information, please  CLICK HERE!

Thanks for reading Visegrad+ Grants inviting NGOs, CSOs, and Other Public Institutions | Apply Now

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