Deadline: 01st October 2019
International Visegrad Fund is accepting applications for its Strategic
Grants Program to support project addressing annual strategic
priorities of the Visegrad Group.
Strategic Priorities
Sustainability of ideals from 1989: Projects focusing on V4 experiences with transformations to democracies and market economy; and on developments in V4 30 years after the fall of the Iron Curtain in Central Europe, including the development of V4 cooperation.
Sustainability of ideals from 1989: Projects focusing on V4 experiences with transformations to democracies and market economy; and on developments in V4 30 years after the fall of the Iron Curtain in Central Europe, including the development of V4 cooperation.
15+ Years of the V4 in the EU: Projects focusing on positive contributions of the V4 to the future of the EU.
impetus to the Eastern Partnership and EU enlargement (Western
Balkans): Projects focusing on transferring the V4 experiences to the
EaP and WB regions; particularly on V4 support to the enlargement policy
and pro-enlargement sentiment in the EU and in the WB region.
Projects must develop meaningful cooperation and ensure active participation of organizations from all V4 countries
Maximum duration of projects is 36 months, minimum is 12 months
Grants cover up to 100% of project budget with 15% for overheads
Eligibility Criteria
Consortium of organizations of which 3 or more are based in different Visegrad countries.
All types of non-governmental, civil society organizations (CSOs); municipalities and local governments; schools, higher education institutions; research and scientific bodies and public institutions are eligible as lead partner (applicant) and partners in the consortia.
Market actors, e.g.: private entrepreneurs, companies – especially innovation and startup-related actors – with a legal entity are also eligible, but only if their Visegrad project is of nonprofit character.
Read Also:
How to Apply
Interested applicants can apply via given website.
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