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Terms of Reference for the Development of Council Comprehensive Social Welfare
Operational Plan Guide
1. Introduction The Community Health and Social Welfare Systems’ Strengthening Program (CHSSP) is seeking a highly qualified Tanzanian consultant/consultancy firm to develop Council Comprehensive Social Welfare Operational Plan Guide. CHSSP a six USAID/PEPFAR funded project led by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc. (JSI) and implemented in partnership with Initiatives Inc. and World Education Inc./Bantwana. Nafasi za ajira
CHSSP received a no cost extension which necessitates the program to review its program description (PD) and therefore necessitated to readvertise this consultancy work to be in alignment with newly developed program description. CHSSP seeks to improve the health, well-being, and protection outcomes for HIV affected and other most vulnerable populations through strengthened linkages between the health and social welfare sectors.
2. Rationale for the Guide
The rationale for this guide is to align with the Social Welfare Policy: While there has been some activities in the current CCHPs, there is a big disparity among councils on modality of inclusion of the required activities into the plans. This is due to the absence of customized comprehensive model to guide the content of planning and implementing process from the Village/Mtaa, Ward up to Council level.
The guide will focus on important issues uniformly and provide a clear guidance on planning and implementation/operationalization of activities for social welfare services in the community, social welfare institutions at Council level and health facilities.
The Guide aims to provide guidance on priorities and the way resources/budget will be allocated for Social Welfare services at Village/ Mtaa , Ward and Council level and how the resources will be incorporated in the PLANREP.
The guide will support Social welfare officers at Council, ward and villages to properly allocate funds for the People with Disability, Women and Youth in order to increase community participation and ownership of integrated Social welfare services, strengthen Council and Implementing partners (IPs) accountability and monitoring of provision of Social welfare services at the community.
3. Overall Objective
To develop Council Comprehensive Social Welfare Operational Plan Guide which will facilitate operationalization of policies and implementation of Social Welfare activities meant to improve social welfare services in the community, social welfare institutions at council and health facilities Nafasi za kazi
Terms of Application
To apply please send your CV and a short proposal that summarizes your understanding of the
ToR and details of how you plan to execute the assignment. Submit your application through email
to chss.recruitment@gmail.com by November 16, 2018.
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