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Kinondoni, Masaki Dar Es Salaam Description
Terms of Reference
Name of assignment: Consultancy to improve organisational development of IPs through skills enhancement in leadership, business development and project management.
Terms of reference title: Capacity Building of Implementing Partners.
Sectors: Agriculture
Project: Income and Employment for Women and Youth in the Dairy North East Tanzania. (IEWY)
Geographical focus: Hai & Siha districts- Kilimanjaro.
Number of Days: 25
Proposed start date: 19.03.2018
Proposed end date: 19.04.2018
SNV, with funding from Comic Relief, is implementing a 54 months’ Income and Employment for Women and Youth in the Dairy North East Tanzania (IEWY) project, through a partnership between SNV Tanzania (as lead organisation), Match Maker Associates Limited (MMA), Nronga Women Dairy Cooperative Society (NWDCS), Capacity Building for Organisations (CABO) and Kilimanjaro Dairy Cooperatives Joint Enterprise Ltd, KDCE Ltd.
The overall aim of IEWY is to improve the livelihoods of dairy stakeholder with a strong focus on women and youth empowerment. The project objective is to increase incomes and create employment for 18,324 women and youth in rural households. Specifically this is achieved by (a) improving production and productivity of smallholder dairy farmers (b) increasing the amount of, and control over, income earned by women from dairy activities (c) enterprise and employment creation for young people, (d) developing viable producer organizations with improved services (e) increasing knowledge sharing, stakeholders dialogue, and learning to influence an enabling environment for equitable and inclusive smallholder dairy development and (f) increasing the capacity of implementing partners to continue improving income and employment opportunities for women and youth. The project will leverage SNV work in order to enhance youth employment and use of energy saving technology.
SNV had used the Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool (OCAT) to develop the capacity of the partners. Based on the assessment and prioritized areas a tailored Organizational Capacity Development Plan (OCDP) was produced for each organization, which will be used to guide the capacity building inputs. The plans are benchmarked for achievement of targets. Furthermore, the assessment tool is expected to be used every year to enable tracking of the progress of each organisation OCDP in leadership, business development and entrepreneurial-ship.
Objectives of the assignment;
It had been realised that, by developing capable local implementing partners that are not only technically-able and experienced in implementing projects to increase incomes and employment for rural youth and women, but who are also organisationally strong, the in-country capacity to scale up and replicate such projects is assured. Over the course of the project, CABO, Nronga and KDCE Ltd will gain further technical experience and performance references, and will receive training and capacity building in a range of organisational capacity areas. SNV had used the Organisational Capacity Assessment Tool (OCAT) to develop the capacity of our partners. The finding of OCAT for each organisation are available in the report which must be read by the consultant in order to support effective delivery of the assignment
It is for this reason SNV is seeking to contract interested consultancy organisations or firms to provide capacity strengthening intervetions to the implementing partners through skills development in business and entrepreneurship, project management and leadership. The enhancement of the skills is expected to be achieved through tailored made training to be delivered using training materials developed for the purpose and an application of a practical and effective methodology.
The consultancy organisation or firm is expected to contribute to achieving the following outcomes by the end of the assignment;
i. Skills enhanced in the 3 implementing partners members of management and boards in entrepreneurship, project management and leadership
ii. Improved governance and management practices in the 3 implementing partners through enhanced skills
iii. Improved sustainability of the 3 implementing partners through partnerships development and diversified resources to contribute to long term objectives
iv. Documentation of the learning process in capacity building and business development
Overview of the Position;
In providing technical support and capacity building in the mentioned areas, the consultancy orgnisation or firm will collaborate and work closely with the project implementing partners IPs. The project IPs are, SNV Tanzania, Capacity Building Organisation CABO, Nronga Women Dairy Cooperative Society NWDCS, Match Makers Associates MMA and Kilimanjaro Dairy Cooperative Enterprises Ltd KDCE Ltd. The KDCE Ltd is the newly registered joint enterprises in July. However SNV Tanzania and MMA will not be direct beneficiaries of this IPs capacity building assignment. The project activities are implemented in both in Hai district and Dar Es Salaam therefore most of the assignment will be done there. Nronga Women Dairy Cooperative and KDCE Ltd are based in Hai District while CABO is based in Dar Es Salaam. The consultancy firm or organisation should also bear in mind that women and youth are the main focus of IEWY project and their empowerment through project activities is important. The consultancy organisation or firm will report to and receive supervision from a designated SNV representative. The consultancy organisation or firm will be supported by SNV to understand the project outcomes and its related activities as well as SNV policies which are required to be abided to. The consultancy organisation or firm will coordinate, implement, and monitor the activities in the scope of work (see Annex 1). The consultancy organisation or firm will be encouraged to make use of, adapt and complement, the available resources from their organisation such as skills training manual and guides. The consultany organisation or firm will be expected to appoint a dedicated technical lead responsible for the assignment.
Other Responsibilities;
The consultancy organisation or firm will also be expected to:
i. Establish and maintain good relationships with project partners and stakeholders
ii. Provide timely and quality deliverables as per contract
iii. Contribute to knowledge development/learning events as part of the SNV Dairy team; i.e. joint reflection sessions, lessons learnt, challenges and case stories.
Deliverables by the contracted consultancy organisation or firm
Provision of leadership programme to CABO and KDCE Ltd
a. Training plans submitted (including CVs of trainers),
b. Draft copy of practical training material submitted for SNV approval,
c. Management and board staff of both CABO and KDCE Ltd attended training sessions,
d. Report of the training submitted with all supporting documentation,
Provision of Business and entrepreneurship programme to CABO, KDCE Ltd and NWDCS
e. Training plans submitted (including CVs of trainers),
f. Draft copy of practical training material submitted for SNV approval,
g. Management and board staff of both CABO, KDCE Ltd and NWDCS attended training sessions,
h. Report of the training submitted with all supporting documentation,
Provision of Project Management programme to CABO,
i. Training plans submitted (including CVs of trainers),
j. Draft copy of practical training material submitted for SNV approval,
k. Management and board staff of CABO attended training sessions,
l. Report of the training submitted with all supporting documentation,
Development of training and instruction materials required by IPS,
a. Handouts and instruction materials of all training available in Swahili/English,
b. Tools and materials for all the training available in Swahili/English,
c. Copies of training and instruction materials shared with IPs for future reference,
Documentation of the learning process in capacity building of IPs in leadership, business & Entrepreneurship and project management.
d. Final Report of the assignment and supporting documents available.
e. Format of the report should include the executive summary, introduction, objective of the assignment, interventions carried out, results/outcome, and lesson learnt, recommendations, conclusion, and annexes of training materials, tools and list of participants. Supporting documents will include photos and any relevant materials.
Competence required
• Experience working and delivering capacity building interventions in any of the following areas; Agriculture, Livestock, Social sciences or any relevant institutions
• Demonstrated experience of delivering capacity building intervention in the mentioned areas
• Demonstrated experience working with donor funded projects
• Must have good understanding and working knowledge on organisational development issues
• Should have knowledge and experience in women and youth issues
• Experience of working in Hai & Siha districts is a plus.
Evaluation Criteria:
Criteria Maximum score
1 Organisation/Firm general experience, reputation and
experience in previous similar assignment 30
2 Understanding of the ToR, Methodology, work plan and
the overall quality of the proposal. 40
3 Qualification of the key personnel 20
4 A sample of previous work in the mentioned areas
completed within the last 12 month. 10
Submission of the Expression of Interest EOI
Interested organizations or firms are requested to submit:
A) Technical proposal with the following details:
• Understanding of the task
• Methodology and approach
• Operational plan
• CVs and outline of specific tasks for each team member
B) A sample of previous work experience in the mentioned capacity development areas completed within the last 12 month along with contact details of the responsible person from the organisation in which capacity building was done.
C) Financial proposal (in Tanzanian Shillings) with the following details
• Consultancy fees
• Transport costs
• Communication and stationaries.
D) The copy of TIN - Tax Registration certificate, copy of trade licence/business permit (clearly stating the nature for which the company is registered), Tax clearance certificate or NGO registration certificate.
Failure to provide any of the documents above will result in elimination of the EOI.
Please submit the EOI by email to: Tanzaniaprocurement@snv.org by 9th March 2018.
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