Tuesday 30 January 2018

Form Four Examination Results 2017/2018 Released. SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS

  AjiraLeo Tanzania       Tuesday 30 January 2018
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Breaking News: Form Four Examination Results 2017/2018
Matokeo ya Kidato Cha Nne
The United Republic Of Tanzania
National Examination Council of Tanzania
Form Four Examination Results 2017/2018
The National Examination Council of Tanzania has announced the form four results as shown below:
Link 1: CLICK HERE OR Click HERE for Form Four Results, or CLICK HERE OR CLICK HERE or CLICK HERE 
Link 2: Click HERE for QT Results, OR CLICK HERE

Education has played a vital role in Tanzania’s development since independence.
In 2007, the country achieved nearly universal access to primary education. However, since then, enrolment of primary school-aged children has been dropping. Equity and quality pose major challenges. Girls, the poorest children, children with disabilities and children living in underserved communities are most vulnerable to dropping out of school or never going to school. Access to pre-primary education is very low and the poor quality of education dampens children’s prospects of a productive future.


Budgetary allocation for education nearly doubled between 2011/12 and 2015/16 while spending increased by 55 per cent during the same period. The government's increasing financial commitment is consistent with the recommendations formulated in 2015 by the Committee on the Convention on the Rights of the Child that advocated for increasing budget allocation to education in line with the country’s growing population.
The government is providing free education for the first four years of secondary school. Enrolment increased from 6.7 per cent in 2003 to 33.4 per cent in 2016.
Tanzania has attained gender parity in enrolment.

Despite the positive progress in primary Net Enrolment Ratio (NER), the increase from 89 per cent in 2003 to 97 per cent in 2007 could not be sustained. Primary School NER declined to 85.6 per cent in 2016.

Only 47 per cent of all 5-year-olds are enrolled at the pre-primary school level in 2015. This ranges from 27 per cent in Manyara to 80 per cent in Mara.

Primary school-aged children from the poorest families are three times less likely to attend school than those from the wealthiest households.

While it is estimated that 7.9 per cent of Tanzanians are living with a disability, less than 1 per cent of children in pre-primary, primary and secondary school have a disability.

Early marriage and pregnancy keep girls out of school. Adolescent pregnancy led to almost 3,700 girls dropping out of primary and secondary education in 2016. More than one third of all girls are married by the age of 18, but girls from poor families are twice as likely to be married early than girls from wealthier homes.

An estimated 2 million children between the ages of 7 and 13 years are out-of-school. Almost 70 per cent of children aged 14–17 years are not enrolled in secondary education while a mere 3.2 per cent are enrolled for the final two years of schooling.

The pupil-to-qualified-teacher ratio at pre-primary level is 131:1. This ratio is 169:1 in public pre-primary school compared to 24:1 in private schools. Most children, especially those in rural areas, enter primary school poorly prepared due to the lack of access to early stimulation, poor nutrition and the low quality of pre-primary education.

Quality of education and learning achievements of children are concerns. School-going children often do not achieve foundational learning outcomes such as literacy, numeracy and life skills, which determine future performance. Results from the 2014 primary school leaving examinations in mainland Tanzania revealed that only 8 per cent of Grade 2 pupils could read properly, only 8 per cent could add or subtract, and less than 0.1 per cent showed high levels of life skills (academic grit, self-confidence, problem-solving).

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